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Indiana State Bar Association

As the largest legal organization in Indiana, the Indiana State Bar Association empowers its members (lawyers, judges, paralegals, law librarians, law students and court administrators) to thrive professionally and personally. It works to find solutions to members’ professional challenges, connect them with others in the profession across the state, and advocate on behalf of the profession. Click here to learn more about ISBA membership. ISBA is a voluntary bar—unlike many other states with mandatory bars—meaning licensed attorneys are not required to be members. Subsequently, the association does not oversee attorney Continuing Legal Education (CLE), discipline, or licensing. The Indiana Supreme Court oversees these responsibilities, allowing the ISBA to act as an independent voice of its members. The ISBA is governed by members elected to its House of Delegates, Board of Governors, and Executive Committee. An Executive Director and staff execute administrative duties in accordance with ISBA’s governance.

Resources from Indiana State Bar Association